Monday, March 10, 2008

Studio Chapter 2: [unnamed - late]

To accompany the small Yamaha keyboard Jason received as a birthday present in the fall of 1986, he borrowed an electric guitar and amp early in 1988. Other than the bands he was in during that time (Pheonix, The Two-Tones, and The Traveling Deengelburys), he was also experimenting with the guitar and keyboard at home. This was his early solo period.

In the summer of 1990 he got an old mixing board from where he worked. So using that and his home stereo, he began experimenting with mutli-track recording. In June of 1990 he recorded what would become the very first Mune Mud song, "Plutonic". Over the next several months he recorded many more songs this way. He collected the best songs and put them on a cassette and labeled it Mune Mud.

Not only was he recording his own music now, he also began getting new music equipment. In 1990 he bought his first drum machine. It replaced the cheesy drum sounds he was using from his Yamaha keyboard. In early 1991 he bought his 4-track cassette recorder, which was true multi-track recording. The quality of his recordings instantly improved immensely. He immediately began work on a new album. Then he bought a delay/sampler effects pedal for his guitar. In the summer of 1991 he got a new Casio keyboard which replaced his Yamaha.

In November of 1991 he released his first true album, Olympus. Many copies were handed out and people were surprised that he was able to accomplish this in his bedroom.

So the Studio was taking shape. He now had a mixer, a recorder, an electric guitar with amp, an effects pedal, a real microphone, and two keyboards. He had two albums finished and was preparing to begin work on his third. Yet the Studio still did not have a name.

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