Monday, October 8, 2007

Article: Blog Behind-the-Scenes

This article will give a quick glimpse into what it takes to maintain this blog.

The first step when the blog was created was to also create an Excel file to keep a schedule for blog posts. This file extends out till the end of the year. After the two regular weekly features were established (Album of the Week and Project Spotlight), the schedule was filled out for those two days for the next couple of months. So right now I already know what the Project Spotlight will be for the last week of November!

That left five empty days a week. I try to have one or two Collector’s Corners a week. For that feature I scan in three or four items at a time and use those for the next week or two. Special articles can be written at any time.

With this blog site I can create a draft of a post and then publish it to the site whenever I want to. So right now there are four or five posts started (or finished) just waiting for their post date to arrive. Then I can go in and publish them to the site.

Staying organized and keeping a few days ahead of the posts is the key to this blog. It does not take a vast amount of time either, usually just a couple hours a week. I have already posted a lot of information to this site and I should have enough to easily make it to the end of the year. I am also always trying to think of new features to post. And I am in negotiations with another studio to start a new project in early 2008, so if that happens there will be a lot more information to report on.

I also maintain the Metal XOR Studio Information Source website which posts interviews and mp3’s that can be downloaded or listened to.

So stay tuned. The blog is here for a while…

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