Sunday, November 1, 2009

State of the Studio #22: November '09

The last two months have been rather active at the Studio. The amount of new Mune Mud recordings has decreased, but Trashman and the Blood Baker have recorded some new tracks. It will be at least another year before a full Trashman album is released, combining last year's recordings and this year's is not enough material for their debut album.

There were two new videos released since the last State of the Studio: a Trashman and the Blood Baker video and a Muffin Loaf video.

And the Studio has branched out into a new medium: collectible cards. October saw the release of the first Mune Mud album set of cards, Olympus. You can read all about it here. Plans are to release a new set every month.

You can expect more cards and videos from the Studio by the end of the year, those are the projects at the top of the list. But there may also still be an album released...

Next update... January 1, 2010!

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