Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Equipment File #18: Swanson flutophone

The Swanson Tonette

Equipment File 18

This instrument belonged to Jason's dad who bought it over 50 years ago when he was in grade school. Jason ended up with it in an early incarnation of the Studio and it has traveled with the Studio to all locations since.

It has only been used in two songs. The first was "Nightspell", which was on the 1996 Mune Mud album Equation of Time. The second was recorded on December 19, 1998, for the song "Cheese, You Lying Sack", an outtake from the 1999 ORC album Purging the Great Abyss.

Although it has been almost ten years since its last use, it still resides in the Studio as a permanent fixture and is always on-call to be used if the need should arise.

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