Monday, January 28, 2008

ORC Update: Week 4

This feature will be posted every Monday to document the weekly progress of the new ORC album at Metal XOR Studio.

This week illness tore through the Studio and the house it occupies. Although there was a lot of time to work on music, it was the last thing on the sick peoples' minds. But still, there was a little progress.

Song 01 - "Silver Sphere"
In the first session for this song a new arrangement was made as decided in the first ORC recording session. In the second session this week a "Lyric Splice" mix was created using clips from the first ORC session. This will be used to help finish the final lyrics.

Song 11 - "Of Plants and Machinery"
The first version of this song was recorded during ORC session 1, but the lyrics were actually being read from a book. This week a new set of lyrics were written to accompany the great music. It is planned to record the new lyrics at the next ORC session.

Song 12 - untitled
This fast-paced song was started but it didn't get too far. Time will tell if anything comes of it.

And here's to a healthy upcoming week. . .

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